How to install the Bluetooth Framework

This short article describes how to install the Bluetooth Framework and start using it with your IDE.

Events Processing In the Bluetooth Framework

This article describes how the Bluetooth Framework calls events in UI, in console, and in service applications.

How to use the Bluetooth Framework to communicate with classic Bluetooth devices

Bluetooth protocol Stack The main function of the Bluetooth is a Bluetooth protocol stack. It defines and provides different types of layers and functionalities. Bluetooth can run different applications over different protocol stacks, but each one of these protocol stacks uses the same Bluetooth link and physical layers. This article describes how to use the Bluetooth Framework with the Classic Bluetooth RFCOMM protocol.

Bluetooth Framework and OBEX

OBEX (Object Exchange) is a lightweight, flexible protocol designed for transferring objects, such as files, contacts, images, and other data, between devices. Initially developed by the Infrared Data Association (IrDA) for infrared communication, OBEX was later adapted for Bluetooth, significantly enhancing its versatility in modern wireless communication. OBEX has become a crucial component for data transfer, particularly in mobile environments, enabling seamless communication between Bluetooth-enabled devices.

How to use the Wii Remote controller with the Bluetooth Framework

Wii Remote The Nintendo Wii Remote, or Wiimote, revolutionized gaming by introducing motion controls and interactive, sensor-based input when it was first launched in 2006. While primarily designed for the Nintendo Wii console, the Wiimote's capabilities extend far beyond gaming, including its use in PC gaming and assistive technology applications. This article delves into the technical specifications and usage of the Wii Remote for both gaming and creating accessible interfaces for individuals with disabilities.

How to communicate with Bluetooth LE devices

GATT profile Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth LE, BLE), also known as Bluetooth Smart, is a wireless personal area network technology aimed at applications in the healthcare, fitness, beacons, security, and home entertainment industries. Compared to classic Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE is intended to provide considerably reduced power consumption and cost while maintaining a similar communication range. This article describes how to use the Bluetooth Framework with Bluetooth LE GATT-enabled devices.

How to detect when a client connects to a GATT server on Windows

As you probably know, the standard Bluetooth LE GATT server API does not provide any mechanism to detect when a remote GATT client connects to a local GATT server. This article describes how the Bluetooth Framework helps, as usual, to solve this problem.

Bluetooth LE Advertisements

BLE Beacon Bluetooth LE allows devices to broadcast some information. Such broadcasting is known as Bluetooth LE Advertisement. It is widely used by BLE devices to transmit data without establishing a connection. This article describes how the Bluetooth Framework can be used to receive and to broadcast Bluetooth LE advertisements.

How to use the BLED112 USB Bluetooth dongle with the Bluetooth Framework

BLED112 dongle The Silicon Labs BLED112 Bluetooth Low Energy USB Dongle is a single-mode USB device enabling Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity for PCs and other devices having a USB port. This article describes how you can use the BLED112 USB dongle in your application with the Bluetooth Framework.

How to use the DFRobot Bluno boards with the Bluetooth Framework

DFRobot Bluno Mega The DFRobot Bluno boards (Bluno Nano, Bluno, Bluno Mega 2560, and Bluno Mega 1280) are the Arduino-compatible Bluetooth LE boards from the DFRobot company. The boards are fully compatible with Arduino Nano, Arduino UNO, Arduino Mega 2560, and Arduino Mega 1280 and have a TI CC2540 Bluetooth 4.0 LE chip on board. This article describes how you can connect to and communicate with such boards using the Bluetooth Framework.

What is the Bluetooth LE connection parameters?

The Bluetooth LE connection parameters are important for BLE communication because they affect the power consumption, the data transfer speed, and the stability of the connection. The connection parameters for a BLE connection are a set of parameters that determine when and how the central and peripheral in a link transmit data. This article describes how you can control the connection parameters with the Bluetooth Framework.

What is the Bluetooth LE scan parameters?

The way to detect other Bluetooth devices is to make a scan looking for advertisements. There are some parameters that can be configured to allow scanning in the desired way. These parameters are scan interval, scan window, and scanning mode. This article describes what the Bluetooth LE scan parameters are and how you can control them with the Bluetooth Framework.

Capture raw Bluetooth LE frames with the Bluetooth Framework LE sniffer

CC2540EMK-USB dongle The BLE Sniffer allows your application to capture raw Bluetooth LE frames. It allows capturing not only Bluetooth LE advertisements but also complete data exchange between Bluetooth LE central and peripheral, including control and data frames. This article describes how you can add such a feature into your application with the Bluetooth Framework.

How to disconnect any Bluetooth device

Sometimes you need to disconnect a Bluetooth device (Classic or Low Energy) that is connected and is used by the system or by other applications to be able to use it in your application. Of course it can be done through the Windows Bluetooth Devices dialog. But why not add such functionality to your application? This article shows how the Bluetooth Framework can help you to implement such functionality.

What is the Bluetooth LE PHY?

PHY is short for physical, as in the physical layer. This is the bottom layer of the BLE stack and is responsible for actually transmitting and receiving information over the air via radio waves. BLE transmits on the 2.4GHz band, and this band is a license-free band that is essentially free to use for short-range applications. It is also the only license-free band that is the same in every country. This article describes what PHY is in more detail.

How to use Bluetooth audio devices with the Bluetooth Framework

The Bluetooth Framework allows you to switch system default audio devices and to reconnect to already paired Bluetooth audio devices without reinstalling services and re-pairing with the device. It also allows you to monitor and control audio volume for different audio devices. This article shows how to control audio devices.

How to Change Default Audio Device

With the wclAudioSwitcher class, you can change a system default audio device and reconnect to an already paired Bluetooth audio device.

The drone remote ID (DRI) receiving and decoding

Drone Remote ID Remote ID is a system that allows drones to transmit identification and location information. This information can be received by other airspace participants, including authorities, pilots, and the general public. In this article you can find more detailed information about how you can use the Bluetooth Framework to receive such information.

The Apple continuity protocol decoding

Apple Continuity is the proprietary Apple technology that allows Apple devices to work together. For communication, Continuity uses Bluetooth and WiFi. The Bluetooth Framework allows capturing and decoding the Apple Continuity Bluetooth LE advertisement packets.