Serial Framework has been released

  • 02.02.2025
  • wclSerialMonitor: The new OnStarted event that is called when serial devices monitoring is started.
  • wclSerialMonitor: The new OnStopped event that is called when serial devices monitoring is stopped.
  • wclUsbMonitor: The new OnStarted event that is called when USB devices monitoring is started.
  • wclUsblMonitor: The new OnStopped event that is called when USB devices monitoring is stopped.
  • .NET Edition: Fixed the bug when the default message processing for the wclSerialMonitor and the wclUsbMonitor was set to mpAsync.

Serial Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 30.01.2025
  • The GATT server is now able to detect real client connections. Now you do not need to wait when a client subscribes, writes, or reads a characteristic.

Bluetooth Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 26.01.2025
  • Fixed the bug in the C# GattClient sample application when the Write characteristic value code line was missed.
  • GATT server write request processing speed was decreased; the code was completely reworked and optimized.
  • .NET Edition: Fixed the Unity building issue when the IL2CPP compiling option is selected.

Bluetooth Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 17.01.2025
  • Fixed the incorrect connectable and discoverable radio modes changing bug.
  • Fixed the issue when a GATT server could receive data packets in incorrect order.
  • Fixed the bug when a GATT server may hang on closing.
  • The new Timestamp property was added to the wclGattLocalCharacteristicReadRequest class. This is a high-percision timestamp (with less than 1 ns resolution) that allows your application to know when the request was exactly received.
  • The new Timestamp property was added to the wclGattLocalCharacteristicWriteRequest class. This is a high-percision timestamp (with less than 1 ns resolution) that allows your application to know when the request was exactly received. There is a known issue when a remote device writes too often to a GATT server; the GATT server may receive data packets in the wrong order. This timestamp will help your application to restore a data packet's order.

Bluetooth Framework

New Articles

  • 14.01.2025
  • The article about the OBEX protocol has been added.
  • The article about the Wii Remote controller has been added.

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 02.01.2025
  • The Timeout parameter has been added to the WinRT WaitAsync method.
  • Fixed the bug when classic Bluetooth devices returned during BLE discovering with the Microsoft Bluetooth driver.
  • The WCL_E_BLUETOOTH_LE_ADMIN_RIGHTS_REQUIRED error code has been removed.
  • The WCL_E_BLUETOOTH_LE_CLIENT_NOT_CONNECTED error value has been changed from 0x000510E0 to 0x000510A7.
  • Fixed the issue when connection to a Bluetooth GATT-enabled device can be blocked forever. The cause of this issue is usually a bug in a third-party Bluetooth driver or a Microsoft Bluetooth driver extension. Now, instead of blocking, the WCL_E_WINRT_ASYNC_OPERATION_TIMEOUT error code will be returned to indicate such a situation.
  • VCL Edition: Fixed the problem when the demo version shows the demo warning dialog on the IDE startup; now it does not show the dialog when the IDE is running.
  • C++ Edition: Fixed the freezing bug that appeared when starting the wclBluetoothLeAdvertiser.
  • .NET Edition: Fixed the Access Violation error that appeared in the GetRemoteRssi method on Windows 11 when you build your application as x86 CPU (not AnyCPU) and run it on Windows 11 64 bits.

Bluetooth Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 02.01.2025
  • The messaging subsystem now works on macOS.
  • The Timeout parameter has been added to the WinRT WaitAsync method.
  • VCL Edition: Fixed the problem when the demo version shows the demo warning dialog on the IDE startup; now it does not show the dialog when the IDE is running.

IrDA Framework

Serial Framework has been released

  • 02.01.2025
  • The messaging subsystem now works on macOS.
  • The Timeout parameter has been added to the WinRT WaitAsync method.
  • VCL Edition: Fixed the problem when the demo version shows the demo warning dialog on the IDE startup; now it does not show the dialog when the IDE is running.

Serial Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 01.01.2025
  • The messaging subsystem now works on macOS.
  • The Timeout parameter has been added to the WinRT WaitAsync method.
  • VCL Edition: Fixed the problem when the demo version shows the demo warning dialog on the IDE startup; now it does not show the dialog when the IDE is running.
  • .NET Edition: Fixed the incorrect creation and connection date and time reading in the network list manager wclNlmNetwork class.

WiFi Framework

Timeline Framework has been released

  • 01.01.2025
  • The messaging subsystem now works on macOS.
  • The Timeout parameter has been added to the WinRT WaitAsync method.
  • VCL Edition: Fixed the problem when the demo version shows the demo warning dialog on the IDE startup; now it does not show the dialog when the IDE is running.

Timeline Framework

Previous changes