Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 28.12.2017
  • Fixed the bug when a manufacturer-specific Bluetooth LE advertisement frame was parsed twice.
  • Fixed the deadlock bug that appeared in the wclMessageBroadcaster class when the wclMessageReceiver class tried to close itself inside the OnMessage event handler.

Bluetooth Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 19.12.2017
  • Fixed the deadlock bug that appeared in the wclMessageBroadcaster when the wclMessageReceiver tried to close itself inside the OnMessage event handler.
  • Error parsing during WiFi Direct SoftAP startup.
  • Fixed the freezing bug that appeared when an application stopped WiFi Direct SoftAP after a WiFi hardware had been removed.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 19.12.2017
  • Fixed the deadlock bug that appeared in the wclMessageBroadcaster class when the wclMessageReceiver class tried to close itself inside the OnMessage event handler.

IrDA Framework

Serial Framework has been released

  • 18.12.2017
  • Fixed the deadlock bug that appeared in the wclMessageBroadcaster class when the wclMessageReceiver class tried to close itself inside the OnMessage event handler.
  • Fixed the bug when the OnDisconnect event was not called when a serial device (COM port) had been removed.

Serial Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 17.12.2017
  • The new wclBluetoothLeProximityBeacon class has been added. The class switches your PC to advertise as a Bluetooth LE proximity beacon (iBeacon).

Bluetooth Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 15.12.2017
  • Fixed the bug that caused a memory leak in the wclBluetoothLeBeaconWatcher class (the Watcher connection was not freed).
  • Fixed the bug when a wrong error code was returned when trying to start the already running Bluetooth LE Beacon Watcher.
  • Fixed the freezing bug in the wclBluetoothLeBeaconWatcher class.
  • Fixed the bug in discovering Bluetooth devices.
  • Fixed the bug that caused an error when creating vCOM if it already exists.

Bluetooth Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 11.12.2017
  • The Wireless Communication Library messaging subsystem was updated.
  • The Bluetooth Framework files structure was updated; the new wclBluetoothConnections and wclBluetoothComponents files were added.
  • Fixed the bug with heap corruption when closing the connection (for any reason).
  • The help files were updated.

Bluetooth Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 08.12.2017
  • The Wireless Communication Library messaging subsystem was updated.
  • The help files were updated.

WiFi Framework

Serial Framework has been released

  • 08.12.2017
  • The Wireless Communication Library messaging subsystem was updated.
  • The Wireless Communication Library communication subsystem was updated.
  • The Serial Framework files structure was changed; the new wclSerialConnections and wclSerialComponents files were added.
  • The help files were updated.

Serial Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 08.12.2017
  • The Wireless Communication Library messaging subsystem was updated.
  • The Wireless Communication Library communication subsystem was updated.
  • The help files were updated.

IrDA Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 27.11.2017
  • C++ Edition: The critical memory leak has been fixed.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 27.11.2017
  • C++ Edition: The critical memory leak has been fixed.

IrDA Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 27.11.2017
  • C++ Edition: The critical memory leak has been fixed.

Bluetooth Framework

Serial Framework has been released

  • 26.11.2017

The new Serial Framework has been released.

  • Enumerating serial devices (COM ports and modems).
  • Monitoring changes in the connected serial hardware.
  • Exchange data with serial devices.
  • Receive COM events.
  • Receive modem events.
  • Full serial port control.
  • Support for Bluetooth virtual COM ports.
  • Support for USB virtual COM ports.
  • Support for com0com virtual COM ports.

Serial Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 12.11.2017
  • The new wclThread class has been added. The class helps to use the WiFi Framework in threads, console, and service applications.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 12.11.2017
  • The new wclThread class has been added. The class helps to use the IrDA Framework in threads, console, and service applications.

IrDA Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 12.11.2017
  • The Bluetooth LE beacon monitoring code has been reworked to protect access to the feature from more than one thread (including different applications).
  • The Bluetooth devices discovering code has been reworked to protect access to the feature from more than one thread (including different applications).
  • Fixed the bug that caused A/V when stopping Bluetooth LE beacon monitoring or at the end of discovering Bluetooth LE devices when used with the Microsoft Bluetooth driver.
  • The new wclThread class has been added. The class helps to use the Bluetooth Framework in threads, console, and service applications.
  • The new Console demo project has been added to show how to use the wclThread class in a console application.

Bluetooth Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 31.10.2017
  • Eddystone Beacon URL frame support.
  • Eddystone Beacon UID frame support.
  • Eddystone Beacon TLM frame support.
  • iBeacon support updated.
  • Raw frames processing.
  • Raw manufacturer-specific frames processing.

Bluetooth Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 23.10.2017
  • The GetRemoteDeviceType method has been reworked for better BLE device detection.
  • Fixed the access violation bug that appeared during BLE device discovery, and a mixed Bluetooth device was found.
  • Fixed the access violation bug that appeared in the GetRemoteDeviceName method.

Bluetooth Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 19.10.2017
  • Compatibility update.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 19.10.2017
  • Fixed the bug that appeared during data receiving from a connected remote IrDA device when the IrDA driver returns a zero read buffer size.

IrDA Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 19.10.2017
  • Added a new way to read a remote Bluetooth device type using the new Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (1709) API.
  • Fixed the bug that appeared during data receiving from a connected remote Bluetooth device when the Bluetooth driver returns a zero read buffer size.
  • Bluetooth LE beacons monitoring and information reading support have been added (Windows 10 only).

Bluetooth Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 12.10.2017
  • Fixed the bug that appeared during read-only characteristic values reading (Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10; the Microsoft Bluetooth drivers).
  • Fixed the bug that appeared during characteristic values reading (Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 platforms; the Microsoft Bluetooth driver).
  • Fixed the bug that appeared during subscribing for characteristic change notifications (Windows 8 and Windows 8.1; the Microsoft Bluetooth driver).
  • Fixed bug that appeared during descriptor value reading and writing (Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 platforms; the Microsoft Bluetooth driver).

Bluetooth Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 04.10.2017
  • C++ Edition: Fixed the critical bug in the wclWiFiSoftAP class that appeared when running on the Windows 8 platform.
  • C++ Edition: Fixed the critical access violation and memory leak errors that appeared on the Windows 8 platform.
  • OS version checking for the WiFi Direct SoftAP to prevent trying to run it on unsupported platforms.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 04.10.2017
  • C++ Edition: Fixed the critical access violation and memory leak errors that appeared on the Windows 8 platform.

IrDA Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 04.10.2017
  • The new "Kind" flag was added to the Discover method of the wclBluetoothRadio class. The flag indicates which devices should be discovered (classic or BLE).
  • OS version checking to prevent BLE usage on unsupported platforms.
  • C++ Edition: Fixed the critical error that caused the access violation and memory leak errors on the Windows 8 platform.
  • Connecting to Bluetooth LE GATT-enabled devices without pairing is now possible on the Windows 10 platform.

Bluetooth Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 30.09.2017
  • The OnClientConnected and OnClientDisconnected events have been added to the wclWiFiSoftAP class.

WiFi Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 27.09.2017
  • Fixed the deadlock error that appeared in the WiFi Direct SoftAP implementation.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 27.09.2017
  • .NET Edition: Fixed the bug with the wrong Data.Length value received in the wclIrDAClient and wclIrDAServer classes.
  • Fixed the deadlock error that appeared in the lazy discovering implementation.

IrDA Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 27.09.2017
  • .NET Edition: Fixed the bug that appeared during characteristic value writing longer than 4 bytes.
  • .NET Edition: Fixed the bug with the wrong Data.Length value receiving in the wclRfCommClient and wclRfCommServer classes.
  • Fixed the deadlock bug in the BlueSoleil Bluetooth driver support implementation.

Bluetooth Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 12.09.2017
  • Fixed the bug in the WiFi Sniffer error codes decoding.
  • The legacy Hosted Network support for WiFi Direct (WiFi Direct SoftAP) has been added.
  • The documentation files were updated.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 12.09.2017
  • IrDA server: Resolving connected client name.
  • C++ Edition: Some fixes in the documentation.

IrDA Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 12.09.2017
  • Compatibility update.

Bluetooth Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 29.08.2017
  • Fixed the access violation bug that appeared when the RFCOMM client disconnects from a server when used with the BlueSoleil Bluetooth driver.
  • The documentation updated.
  • Fixed the freezing issue that appeared when a client disconnected from a remote server when used with the BlueSoleil Bluetooth driver (Delphi 2009 and above).
  • The authentication code was reworked for better support of parallel pairing requests when used with the Microsoft Bluetooth driver.
  • Fixed the access violation bug that appeared when receiving characteristic change notifications on a 64-bit platform.

Bluetooth Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 22.08.2017
  • .NET Edition: Fixed the bug in the wclWiFISniffer class that caused an exception raise when stopping frames capturing.
  • Fixed the issue in the WiFiSniffer demo application; when too many events are received, the app looks frozen.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 22.08.2017
  • Compatibility update.

IrDA Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 05.08.2017
  • Compatibility update.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 05.08.2017
  • Compatibility update.

IrDA Framework

Bluetooth Framework has been released

  • 05.08.2017

The new version of the Bluetooth Framework has just been released.

Bluetooth Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 17.06.2017

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 17.06.2017
  • Compatibility update.

IrDA Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 13.05.2017
  • Error code definitions were updated to make it more readable when you look for the error meaning in documentation.
  • Demo applications reworked to show error codes in HEX so you can easily find them in documentation.
  • The "NumberOfPhyTypes" field has been removed from the wclWiFiAvailableNetwork structure.
  • The "PhyTypes" field type has been changed to the wclWiFiPhysenumeration so you can easily check supported PHYs.
  • Fixed the installation bug when the wrong library path was specified for an IDE, and the IDE was not able to build demo applications.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 13.05.2017
  • Fixed the bug that prevents a server from starting listening with the Invalid Mode error code.
  • Fixed the installation bug when the wrong library path was specified for an IDE, and the IDE was not able to build demo applications.

IrDA Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 01.05.2017
  • The Information Elements (IEs) reading from a BSS has been added.
  • VCL Edition: Fixed the packages with source code installation issue.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 01.05.2017
  • IrDA server: The new methods for adding IAS records into the IAS database were added.
  • Fixed the bug when communication starts earlier than state changed to csConnected.
  • Fixed the bug when the Disconnect method was called before the Connect method returned and no events were called with the WCL_E_CONNECTION_TERMINATED error code.
  • VCL Edition: Fixed the package with source code installation issue.
  • VCL Edition: Fixed the property settings in the client and server connection components.

IrDA Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 10.04.2017
  • VCL Edition: The Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support was added.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 10.04.2017
  • VCL Edition: The Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support was added.

IrDA Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 03.04.2017
  • C++ Edition: The Visual Studio 2017 support was added.
  • Small updates in the common library.

WiFi Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 03.04.2017
  • Fixed the bug that appeared when the Connect method of the wclIrDAClient was called with the Timeout parameter set to 0.
  • The "Address" parameter checking was added to the Connect method of the wclIrDAClient class.
  • The "Service" parameter checking was added to the Connect method of the wclIrDAClient class: It cannot be empty, and its length must be less than 25 characters.
  • The "Service" parameter checking was added to the Connect method of the wclIrDAServer class: It cannot be empty, and its length must be less than 25 characters.
  • Small updates in the common library.
  • C++ Edition: The Visual Studio 2017 support was added.

IrDA Framework

IrDA Framework has been released

  • 25.03.2017

We have just released the absolutely new IrDA Framework.

  • Discovering IrDA devices.
  • Monitoring IrDA devices (lazy discovering).
  • Querying IrDA devices properties.
  • Querying IrDA devices IAS records.
  • Connecting to IrDA devices (client mode).
  • Accepting connections from remote IrDA devices (server mode).
  • Monitoring the IrDA hardware changes.

IrDA Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 19.02.2017

WiFi Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 11.02.2017
  • .NET Edition: The WiFi Framework error codes moved to the wclWiFi.wclWiFiErrors class.
  • .NET Edition: The new "Set Profile" feature in the wclWiFiClient demo application now allows you to create new WiFi profiles.
  • .NET Edition: Minor fixes in the WiFiClient demo application.
  • .NET Edition: The documentation was updated.
  • .NET Edition: The online documentation was published by this link.
  • C++ Edition: The common error codes were redeclared as const.
  • C++ Edition: The WiFi Framework error codes were moved to the wclWiFiErrors header file.
  • C++ Edition: The WiFi Framework error codes were redeclared as const.
  • C++ Edition: The new "Set Profile" feature in the WiFiClient demo now allows you to create new WiFi profiles.
  • C++ Edition: The WiFiClient demo application is now able to save an XML profile to a file.
  • C++ Edition: The WiFiClient demo application is now able to read an XML profile from a file.
  • C++ Edition: The documentation was updated.
  • C++ Edition: The online documentation was published by this link.
  • VCL Edition: The WiFi Framework error codes were moved to the wclWiFiErrors file.
  • VCL Edition: Fixed the CBuilder demo applications building issue.
  • VCL Edition: The new "Set Profile" feature of the WiFiClient demo application allows you to create new WiFi profiles.
  • VCL Edition: The documentation was updated.
  • VCL Edition: The online documentation was published by this link.

WiFi Framework

WiFi Framework has been released

  • 03.02.2017
  • Fixed the critical bug with enumerating BSS for the selected network.
  • When enumerating BSS, the interface should be connected.

WiFi Framework

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