Bluetooth Framework has been released
- Fixed the bug when a manufacturer-specific Bluetooth LE advertisement frame was parsed twice.
- Fixed the deadlock bug that appeared in the wclMessageBroadcaster class when the wclMessageReceiver class tried to close itself inside the OnMessage event handler.
WiFi Framework has been released
- Fixed the deadlock bug that appeared in the wclMessageBroadcaster when the wclMessageReceiver tried to close itself inside the OnMessage event handler.
- Error parsing during WiFi Direct SoftAP startup.
- Fixed the freezing bug that appeared when an application stopped WiFi Direct SoftAP after a WiFi hardware had been removed.
IrDA Framework has been released
- Fixed the deadlock bug that appeared in the wclMessageBroadcaster class when the wclMessageReceiver class tried to close itself inside the OnMessage event handler.
Serial Framework has been released
- Fixed the deadlock bug that appeared in the wclMessageBroadcaster class when the wclMessageReceiver class tried to close itself inside the OnMessage event handler.
- Fixed the bug when the OnDisconnect event was not called when a serial device (COM port) had been removed.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- The new wclBluetoothLeProximityBeacon class has been added. The class switches your PC to advertise as a Bluetooth LE proximity beacon (iBeacon).
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- Fixed the bug that caused a memory leak in the wclBluetoothLeBeaconWatcher class (the Watcher connection was not freed).
- Fixed the bug when a wrong error code was returned when trying to start the already running Bluetooth LE Beacon Watcher.
- Fixed the freezing bug in the wclBluetoothLeBeaconWatcher class.
- Fixed the bug in discovering Bluetooth devices.
- Fixed the bug that caused an error when creating vCOM if it already exists.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- The Wireless Communication Library messaging subsystem was updated.
- The Bluetooth Framework files structure was updated; the new wclBluetoothConnections and wclBluetoothComponents files were added.
- Fixed the bug with heap corruption when closing the connection (for any reason).
- The help files were updated.
WiFi Framework has been released
- The Wireless Communication Library messaging subsystem was updated.
- The help files were updated.
Serial Framework has been released
- The Wireless Communication Library messaging subsystem was updated.
- The Wireless Communication Library communication subsystem was updated.
- The Serial Framework files structure was changed; the new wclSerialConnections and wclSerialComponents files were added.
- The help files were updated.
IrDA Framework has been released
- The Wireless Communication Library messaging subsystem was updated.
- The Wireless Communication Library communication subsystem was updated.
- The help files were updated.
WiFi Framework has been released
- C++ Edition: The critical memory leak has been fixed.
IrDA Framework has been released
- C++ Edition: The critical memory leak has been fixed.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- C++ Edition: The critical memory leak has been fixed.
Serial Framework has been released
The new Serial Framework has been released.
- Enumerating serial devices (COM ports and modems).
- Monitoring changes in the connected serial hardware.
- Exchange data with serial devices.
- Receive COM events.
- Receive modem events.
- Full serial port control.
- Support for Bluetooth virtual COM ports.
- Support for USB virtual COM ports.
- Support for com0com virtual COM ports.
WiFi Framework has been released
- The new wclThread class has been added. The class helps to use the WiFi Framework in threads, console, and service applications.
IrDA Framework has been released
- The new wclThread class has been added. The class helps to use the IrDA Framework in threads, console, and service applications.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- The Bluetooth LE beacon monitoring code has been reworked to protect access to the feature from more than one thread (including different applications).
- The Bluetooth devices discovering code has been reworked to protect access to the feature from more than one thread (including different applications).
- Fixed the bug that caused A/V when stopping Bluetooth LE beacon monitoring or at the end of discovering Bluetooth LE devices when used with the Microsoft Bluetooth driver.
- The new wclThread class has been added. The class helps to use the Bluetooth Framework in threads, console, and service applications.
- The new Console demo project has been added to show how to use the wclThread class in a console application.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- Eddystone Beacon URL frame support.
- Eddystone Beacon UID frame support.
- Eddystone Beacon TLM frame support.
- iBeacon support updated.
- Raw frames processing.
- Raw manufacturer-specific frames processing.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- The GetRemoteDeviceType method has been reworked for better BLE device detection.
- Fixed the access violation bug that appeared during BLE device discovery, and a mixed Bluetooth device was found.
- Fixed the access violation bug that appeared in the GetRemoteDeviceName method.
WiFi Framework has been released
- Compatibility update.
IrDA Framework has been released
- Fixed the bug that appeared during data receiving from a connected remote IrDA device when the IrDA driver returns a zero read buffer size.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- Added a new way to read a remote Bluetooth device type using the new Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (1709) API.
- Fixed the bug that appeared during data receiving from a connected remote Bluetooth device when the Bluetooth driver returns a zero read buffer size.
- Bluetooth LE beacons monitoring and information reading support have been added (Windows 10 only).
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- Fixed the bug that appeared during read-only characteristic values reading (Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10; the Microsoft Bluetooth drivers).
- Fixed the bug that appeared during characteristic values reading (Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 platforms; the Microsoft Bluetooth driver).
- Fixed the bug that appeared during subscribing for characteristic change notifications (Windows 8 and Windows 8.1; the Microsoft Bluetooth driver).
- Fixed bug that appeared during descriptor value reading and writing (Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 platforms; the Microsoft Bluetooth driver).
WiFi Framework has been released
- C++ Edition: Fixed the critical bug in the wclWiFiSoftAP class that appeared when running on the Windows 8 platform.
- C++ Edition: Fixed the critical access violation and memory leak errors that appeared on the Windows 8 platform.
- OS version checking for the WiFi Direct SoftAP to prevent trying to run it on unsupported platforms.
IrDA Framework has been released
- C++ Edition: Fixed the critical access violation and memory leak errors that appeared on the Windows 8 platform.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- The new "Kind" flag was added to the Discover method of the wclBluetoothRadio class. The flag indicates which devices should be discovered (classic or BLE).
- OS version checking to prevent BLE usage on unsupported platforms.
- C++ Edition: Fixed the critical error that caused the access violation and memory leak errors on the Windows 8 platform.
- Connecting to Bluetooth LE GATT-enabled devices without pairing is now possible on the Windows 10 platform.
WiFi Framework has been released
- The OnClientConnected and OnClientDisconnected events have been added to the wclWiFiSoftAP class.
WiFi Framework has been released
- Fixed the deadlock error that appeared in the WiFi Direct SoftAP implementation.
IrDA Framework has been released
- .NET Edition: Fixed the bug with the wrong Data.Length value received in the wclIrDAClient and wclIrDAServer classes.
- Fixed the deadlock error that appeared in the lazy discovering implementation.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- .NET Edition: Fixed the bug that appeared during characteristic value writing longer than 4 bytes.
- .NET Edition: Fixed the bug with the wrong Data.Length value receiving in the wclRfCommClient and wclRfCommServer classes.
- Fixed the deadlock bug in the BlueSoleil Bluetooth driver support implementation.
WiFi Framework has been released
- Fixed the bug in the WiFi Sniffer error codes decoding.
- The legacy Hosted Network support for WiFi Direct (WiFi Direct SoftAP) has been added.
- The documentation files were updated.
IrDA Framework has been released
- IrDA server: Resolving connected client name.
- C++ Edition: Some fixes in the documentation.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- Compatibility update.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
- Fixed the access violation bug that appeared when the RFCOMM client disconnects from a server when used with the BlueSoleil Bluetooth driver.
- The documentation updated.
- Fixed the freezing issue that appeared when a client disconnected from a remote server when used with the BlueSoleil Bluetooth driver (Delphi 2009 and above).
- The authentication code was reworked for better support of parallel pairing requests when used with the Microsoft Bluetooth driver.
- Fixed the access violation bug that appeared when receiving characteristic change notifications on a 64-bit platform.
WiFi Framework has been released
- .NET Edition: Fixed the bug in the wclWiFISniffer class that caused an exception raise when stopping frames capturing.
- Fixed the issue in the WiFiSniffer demo application; when too many events are received, the app looks frozen.
IrDA Framework has been released
- Compatibility update.
WiFi Framework has been released
- Compatibility update.
IrDA Framework has been released
- Compatibility update.
Bluetooth Framework has been released
The new version of the Bluetooth Framework has just been released.
WiFi Framework has been released
- The new wclWiFiSniffer class has been added.
IrDA Framework has been released
- Compatibility update.
WiFi Framework has been released
- Error code definitions were updated to make it more readable when you look for the error meaning in documentation.
- Demo applications reworked to show error codes in HEX so you can easily find them in documentation.
- The "NumberOfPhyTypes" field has been removed from the wclWiFiAvailableNetwork structure.
- The "PhyTypes" field type has been changed to the wclWiFiPhysenumeration so you can easily check supported PHYs.
- Fixed the installation bug when the wrong library path was specified for an IDE, and the IDE was not able to build demo applications.
IrDA Framework has been released
- Fixed the bug that prevents a server from starting listening with the Invalid Mode error code.
- Fixed the installation bug when the wrong library path was specified for an IDE, and the IDE was not able to build demo applications.
WiFi Framework has been released
- The Information Elements (IEs) reading from a BSS has been added.
- VCL Edition: Fixed the packages with source code installation issue.
IrDA Framework has been released
- IrDA server: The new methods for adding IAS records into the IAS database were added.
- Fixed the bug when communication starts earlier than state changed to csConnected.
- Fixed the bug when the Disconnect method was called before the Connect method returned and no events were called with the WCL_E_CONNECTION_TERMINATED error code.
- VCL Edition: Fixed the package with source code installation issue.
- VCL Edition: Fixed the property settings in the client and server connection components.
WiFi Framework has been released
- VCL Edition: The Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support was added.
IrDA Framework has been released
- VCL Edition: The Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support was added.
WiFi Framework has been released
- C++ Edition: The Visual Studio 2017 support was added.
- Small updates in the common library.
IrDA Framework has been released
- Fixed the bug that appeared when the Connect method of the wclIrDAClient was called with the Timeout parameter set to 0.
- The "Address" parameter checking was added to the Connect method of the wclIrDAClient class.
- The "Service" parameter checking was added to the Connect method of the wclIrDAClient class: It cannot be empty, and its length must be less than 25 characters.
- The "Service" parameter checking was added to the Connect method of the wclIrDAServer class: It cannot be empty, and its length must be less than 25 characters.
- Small updates in the common library.
- C++ Edition: The Visual Studio 2017 support was added.
IrDA Framework has been released
We have just released the absolutely new IrDA Framework.
- Discovering IrDA devices.
- Monitoring IrDA devices (lazy discovering).
- Querying IrDA devices properties.
- Querying IrDA devices IAS records.
- Connecting to IrDA devices (client mode).
- Accepting connections from remote IrDA devices (server mode).
- Monitoring the IrDA hardware changes.
WiFi Framework has been released
- The new Network List Manager class.
WiFi Framework has been released
- .NET Edition: The WiFi Framework error codes moved to the wclWiFi.wclWiFiErrors class.
- .NET Edition: The new "Set Profile" feature in the wclWiFiClient demo application now allows you to create new WiFi profiles.
- .NET Edition: Minor fixes in the WiFiClient demo application.
- .NET Edition: The documentation was updated.
- .NET Edition: The online documentation was published by this link.
- C++ Edition: The common error codes were redeclared as const.
- C++ Edition: The WiFi Framework error codes were moved to the wclWiFiErrors header file.
- C++ Edition: The WiFi Framework error codes were redeclared as const.
- C++ Edition: The new "Set Profile" feature in the WiFiClient demo now allows you to create new WiFi profiles.
- C++ Edition: The WiFiClient demo application is now able to save an XML profile to a file.
- C++ Edition: The WiFiClient demo application is now able to read an XML profile from a file.
- C++ Edition: The documentation was updated.
- C++ Edition: The online documentation was published by this link.
- VCL Edition: The WiFi Framework error codes were moved to the wclWiFiErrors file.
- VCL Edition: Fixed the CBuilder demo applications building issue.
- VCL Edition: The new "Set Profile" feature of the WiFiClient demo application allows you to create new WiFi profiles.
- VCL Edition: The documentation was updated.
- VCL Edition: The online documentation was published by this link.
WiFi Framework has been released
- Fixed the critical bug with enumerating BSS for the selected network.
- When enumerating BSS, the interface should be connected.
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